Why did I start this blog? I am just trying to stay busy. This past week I found myself saying that phase a few times. Pat would ask, "What are your plans today?" I would answer, "Just trying to stay busy." It all started this summer. You may had heard me say, "I have to get a hobby." I knew winter would be coming and I would have time on my hands. I know what you are thinking, "I wish I had time to kill in my busy schedule." Two years ago before this forced retirement, I did think and said that to those who had retired. I had no time to myself. No time for hobbies, reading, writing, painting, golfing (just kidding about the golf) and spending quality time with the grand kids. I was too busy working on school things: lesson plans, IEP's, reading textbooks, taking classes, working on the YAP's monthly calendar, planning extra school events; interview forum, special friends poem, transition education for parents, rec/leisure and agency fairs for MPS, etc. Only teachers will understand this. No we do not get the summers off, or get long winter and spring breaks off. We are busy planning!
This winter I needed a hobby! I tried to sew but that didn't work out. Just put it this way, I have to redo everything that I sewed, and have been avoiding that job for the past three months. Maybe I can ask someone to prethread a bunch of needles ahead of time, since that is a source of great frustration for me. I tried to learn how to make the rubber band jewelry that is the new fad of all the young girls. An eight year old at church tried to teach me, but I could not get it. She was so patient with me, but I just could not understand the concept. I tried to learn how to embroidery. I even bought a little kit but it was way too little and confusing. I was going to try to learn how to play the piano, but then remembered that I tried that one summer when the girls went off to camp. I worked on a simple piano piece, so I could surprise the girls that I had learned to play. I failed at that, and I had a young working brain back then.
Last weekend I spent ten hours writing a story about Riley the rescue dog. It was only five pages long, but it was great therapy for my brain. I had given up on relearning how to use a computer, but thought I would give it a try again. I feel like my brain is doing better and I have relearned a lot since the stroke did its brain and eye damage. I will write about that in another blog.
So my new hobby is writing. Angie stop laughing! I plan to write on a variety of subjects. Some blogs you may not want to read, while others you may disagree on (healthy eating and exercise). They of course will be researched based and educational. I can't help it. It is the teacher/mother in me. Some blogs may have spelling and writing errors. Just blame that on a blind person trying to learn how to use a keyboard again and relearning how to spell and write with part of a brain full of damaged cells. Of course I will have to write about my grand kids, two daughters, husband, family, pets and friends,etc.
So please take time from your busy schedules to read my blogs. That means you Pat. I know you are keeping busy watching sports and Law and Order, but you can read while watching tv. You and others can help me with my therapy, by your likes, and/or comments positive or negative. Just trying to stay busy!