Wednesday, September 10, 2014


  When you think of the dates 9-11, what is the first thing that comes into your mind?  Most will think of the many that lost their lives on that date.  There are the heroes who died trying to save total strangers.  Our country changed that day.  Did we become a stronger nation united to fight and preserve our freedoms?  Not sure about that one.  We are more of a nation living in fear of something like that happening again. There are those who lived and survived this event in our history.  They live with memories of death and life.  I do enjoy reading the survival stories.  One such story was about a blind man and his guide dog that lead a group of workers to safety from one of the towers.  I believe that book was called Thunder Dog.  As the years past by 9-11 will always bring a variety of memories to my mind and prayer for those who have lost loved ones on that date.  My memories of that day began back in 1997.
      My brain has never really dealt well with dates.  I have to have little ways to remember numbers.  Some examples are our wedding date 2-2-74.  It is Ground Hogs day and 2 plus 2 is 4 so 74.  My birthday is 7-1-52 and Pat’s birthday is mine switched around 1-7-52.  Angie’s b day 3-3 and Julie is 1-23, but don’t ask me about the grandkids they were not born on easy numbers to remember.  Not too worried about forgetting a grandchild’s b day because as they get older they will not let me forget.  As we come to another 9-ll on the calendar we remember those who died on that date.  We remember the loved ones that morn and continue life without their loved ones.  9-11-97 will always be remembered by family members on both my side of the family and for Pat’s side of the family.  That day my family lost our father Richard Charles Bedrosky and the McQuinn’s lost Ross Carbonell. 
     Ross was the only son of my sister and brother-in-law Roxanne and Chuck.  He was in his senior year at Millard South when he was killed in a truck accident.  My memories are when Ross was small and played with the girls.  He was the cutest little kid with his round McQuinn cheeks.  He grew up to be a handsome teen and was one of those teens that had a lot of friends and one that teachers only had good things to say about him.  I knew that because I was subbing at Millard South during his junior and senior years.  I heard the stories first hand.   
       Why was he such a great kid?  Yes he was a McQuinn and had a mom and stepdad that he loved and gave him that strong foundation that was needed.  The day after his and my dad’s funeral I was called to sub at Millard South.  I of course took the subbing job, so I would have something to do.  I did not realize until I showed up that I was subbing for one of Ross’s teachers.  His folder was sitting on her desk.  I would sub in his classes that day.  The teens that attended the funeral the day before were carrying flowers from off his grave site.  They also wore green memorial ribbons with his name printed on them.  The teacher had left the usual high school sub plans of watch a movie.  During one period a girl was so loud and out of control that I had to tell her a couple of times to quiet down.  She got so mad at me that I did not understand what her and her friends had been through.  I then explained to her that I was at the funeral and that I was Ross’s aunt.  She did settle down after that.  I heard more stories that day about what a great kid he was.  His principal even had good things to say.  Those teachers and students will have their memories of the student and friend that died that school year. 
      As we get older and more loved ones die, it does not get easier.  We are left with our memories of our loved ones.  I wrote about my memories of my dad on a past blog that you can read if interested.  I may go back and read that blog¸ since I don’t remember what I wrote.  I am sure I wrote about how he could build things, how he loved his pigeons and family. 
    My prayers go out to my sister and brother in law as they try to survive another 9-11.  I do not pretend to understand what it must be like for a parent to have to bury a child.  All I can do is to ask the Lord to be with them as they continue life with their memories.  My prayers go out to those who lost loved ones on 9-11 during that dreaded event in our history.  We all need to ask the Lord through prayer for our country’s survival and freedoms.  9-11 is a good day to pray for those are protecting our country and their families that are coping the best they can as their loved one is off protecting our freedoms and rights.  Thank you for your current and past service.

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