Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving 2014
     I am calling this my Thanksgiving Blog.  I have really been busy, so I have not done much writing.  We have been doing a lot of camping and traveling. We just got back from our fall trip to Florida with Julie, grandkids, and Angie.  We came back to freezing cold NE weather and snow.  I miss sitting outside and soaking up the warm sun.  The grandkids loved spending the afternoons at the pool.  All four are like little fish.  Easton was so excited that he did not need to wear his floaters in this pool.  It was great seeing Angie, since she flew in from DC and met us in Tampa.  Then Angie and Julie went on their first cruise.  When the grandkids get older we will have to do a family cruise suggested Angie.  

     Thanksgiving is a time to stop and think about the blessings in our lives.  I tend to think more about the negative things going on in life vs my blessings.  When I was younger I would listen to the older folks talking about their aches and pains.  I recently got together with friends to play cards, eat, and visit.  Someone from the card playing table remarked how our conversations in both groups were centered on those aches and pains, and in my case the ER visit on our travel for an eye infection.

     I got off track in my mind thinking about how painful that infection was, and how sick I was from the drug that the ER doctor gave me, so we could leave and get back on the road.  BLESSINGS - So what am I thankful for?  FAMILY!  Beside family I am thankful for the Lord.  He is always with me when I am down, stressed, in pain or in the hospital.  I know I am not alone.  He is there, and I can talk to Him.  I sure have done a lot of praying with the eye problems that I have had.  I am blessed to have that little bit of vision in my so called good eye.  I can still be independent and write and read my Bible.  It is just not the same as listening to the Bible as it is to read God’s word.  Reading God’s word and praying allows one to survive this thing called life.  This life on earth is so short compared to eternity in heaven or hell/Lake of fire.  

    To my  family, friends, or former students that may be reading this blog, I am going to share some information that could and will change your lives here on earth and eternity.  I know I will be spending eternity in heaven with no pain, illness, blindness with loved ones who have believed.  How can I know that I will be spending eternity in heaven?  It’s not because of being a good person, doing good deeds, going to church, religion, or any of the other ways that people think their works get them into heaven.  I am a sinner, Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.  Back in 1975 I believed that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.  In short “God, who is holy, made us in His image to know Him.  But we sinned and cut ourselves off from Him.  In His great love, God became man in Jesus lived a perfect life, and died on the cross, thus fulfilling the law Himself and taking on Himself the punishment for the sins of all those who would ever turn and trust in Him.  He rose again from the dead, showing that God accepted Christ’s sacrifice and that God’s wrath against us had been exhausted.  He now calls us to repent of our sins and to trust in Christ alone or our forgiveness (not our good deeds, works, religion, church etc).  If we repent of our sins and trust in Christ, by Faith,we are born into a new life, an eternal life with God.”  Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  John 3:15  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that  whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

    Some of us are closer to eternity than others.  I sure was a couple years ago but it was not my time yet.  There is a reason that I did not die back then.  I may never know but it is God’s timing not ours.  He gave us life and He takes it.  Where will you spend eternity?  If you do believe that only Jesus gets us to heaven, died and rose again. I will see you in heaven along with the ones who believed in Christ vs those who are trusting in a church, religion, and/or their good works to earn their way to heaven. 

    I used to think that if I was a good person, went to church was baptized as an infant in a religion that would get me to heaven maybe.  Once I started reading the Bible, I sure was wrong.  It is God’s Grace not my works.  So my faith in His word is all I have on this earth to keep me going when times are hard or painful.  But He promised to be with His children, and I am His child.  He will listen to His children’s prayers, so my prayers are with my family and friends.  I pray that you will be able to find God’s love and peace to get from this world to eternity.  This is a Thanksgiving letter.  Thank you all for being part of my family and circle of friends.   I pray that I will see you all in eternity in heaven, some day. I pray that you will pick up your Bible and read more about God’s plan for your life, and come to accept God’s free gift of grace through faith.  

      Have a great Thanksgiving, and feel free to let me know about what you are thankful for. 

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