Sunday, January 5, 2014

The World Hates You; and Me

I have been thinking about this subject for the past few weeks.  Ever since that Phil Robertson business started.  No I do not watch Duck Dynasty, but have listened to it a couple of times while Pat or Sean was watching it.  I won't go into this controversy.  If you have not heard about it, then you don't have the Internet or cable TV, so someone must be reading this blog to you.  Throughout this controversy I could not quit thinking about how much the world hates those who have a different belief.  The world hates those who believe and follow what the Scriptures say about how to live your life.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.  As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.  That is why the world hates you." John 15:18-19   This verse is one of the hallmarks of the Christian faith throughout the ages.  Many have been vilified for their convictions.  You have heard the stories of the Christians who were thrown to the lions in Rome as the spectators cried out, "Kill the atheists." The Scriptures and history tell us about  martyrs, such as the followers of Jesus Christ.  We still hear about those who are persecuted and martyred in our current days, in our country and countries around the world.

So how can we live in a world that hates us?  Holding hands and saying "peace be with you" just is not going to work.  "Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one." Ephesians 6:16  To do that read the Bible.  Learn about what the Scriptures have to say. I have been using my mom's King James Bible (large print) to read and study with. The front inside cover has her signature signed in cursive.  It is very interesting when I come across a verse that she had circled or underlined.  I stop and ask myself, "Why did she like that one so much?" I also wish I could ask her, but I can not.  If I did, she would just answer, "Good," like she did in our last conversation that I had with her last week.  She was having a good day and was alert.  I want to hope that maybe one day my grand kids may want to use one of my Bibles and think the same thing.

 I am writing this blog to introduce a great help that just came out.  It is called Biblically  It is about two guys B.S. in'...  Start with the first podcast called, I can Stare into a Campfire for Hours.  You can get that site from another great site called or just type in 

What has also helped me is listening to ThruTheBible by Dr. J. Vernon McGee.  It is a five year Bible teaching program that I started listening to back in the late 70's.  Yes, I can not forget about getting together with others, as we meet and fellowship as we learn about God's Word together.

Your life and survival in this world depends upon doing one of the following things that I have suggested.  So I encourage you to start because the world hates you, and me!

Friends and family please share this blog with your friends and family.  They also need to know how to survive in a world that hates them, and you.

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